wasmer run wasmer/python-http-server

Sample Python HTTP Server with Wasmer

This is a sample repo for running a python based HTTP server on Wasmer Edge.

Follow the quickstart guide on Wasmer Docs

Running it locally

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run it locally using the command below:
wasmer run . --net --env PORT=4333

Running it using wasmer registry

This package is published to wasmer registry as wasmer/python-http-server

You can try this locally.

wasmer run wasmer/python-http-server --net --env PORT=4333

This would start an http server on

Python Server

Live on Wasmer Edge

  App Info
> App Name: wasmer-python-http-server-worker
> App URL: https://wasmer-python-http-server-worker.wasmer.app

wasmer/python-http-server py worker

More packages
Python HTTP Server Wasmer starter package
Python HTTP server used for testing.
Python HTTP Server Wasmer starter package
Python HTTP server used or testing.
My first HTTP server
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