

wasmer run autodidaddict/echo-example

Waxosuit Echo Example

This example WebAssembly module provides a demonstration of a Wasm module built according to the Wascap specification. You can run this module using Waxosuit.

This sample returns the incoming request as a JSON object so you can verify that the request/response pattern is working properly in your WebAssembly module. For example, when this is running on port 8080:

$ curl localhost:8080/foo/bar?a=b | jq
  "method": "GET",
  "path": "/foo/bar",
  "query_string": "a=b",
  "headers": {
    "accept": "*/*",
    "host": "localhost:8080",
    "user-agent": "curl/7.58.0"
  "body": []

This WebAssembly module is signed with multiple capabilities, but you will need to provide at least the HTTP server capability for this module to work properly.

An example echo server built for Waxosuit

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Javascript echo server using winter-js.
A very basic echo
Robert Aboukhalil
Robert Aboukhalil
Robert Aboukhalil
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