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Flask Starter

Starter template for using Flask framework in Wasmer Edge
Starter template for using Flask framework in Wasmer Edge
Depends on
Flask iconFlask
Use cases

This is a simple Flask Web Server template


First, create a local virtual environment:

python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate

Install the dependencies with:

pip install Flask

Then, you can run the Flask app (src/ with Python:

$ python src/
 * Serving Flask app '/src/main'
 * Debug mode: on
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on
Press CTRL+C to quit

You can run the Flask example using Wasmer (check out the install guide):

wasmer run wasmer-examples/flask-wasmer-starter --net

[!TIP] You can also run wasmer run . --net in the root of this repo

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the Flask application.

Deploy on Wasmer Edge

The easiest way to deploy your Flask app is to use the Wasmer Edge.

Live example:

Run this commmand to deploy to Wasmer Edge:

wasmer deploy

[!NOTE] You will need to change the namespace in wasmer.toml to your own namespace and app name in app.yaml to your own app name.