Base64 encoder/decoder in WASM
A command line tool of encoding/decoding string to/from Base64 string. The source is written in WebAssembly text format (wat) for my learning purpose.
How to use
This package is now available in WebAssembly Package Manager (WAPM). If you have wasmer CLI installed on your machine, you can run the command like:
wasmer run etoal/base64 -e encode "Lorem ipsum"
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This package provides two commands or entrypoints that can be specified with the -e
Or, you can execute the commands by cloning the repository and directly specifying the wasm file:
wasmer b64decode.wasm SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh
# Hello world!
- This project is nothing more than a beginner's practice. Don't use these commands in productions.
- The commands accept only the first argment as their input and the following arguments are discarded. To pass a whitespace-separated string as input, you should quote it.
- Since these WASM packages reserve 1 page (64KB) of linear memory on initialization, a too-long string of input is not tested and may cause unexpected result.