

wasmer run maxcurzi/disk-0-MADNESS

disk-0 MADNESS

A game written in Rust for the WASM-4 fantasy console. Pronounce it how you want: "Disco madness" / "Disk O' madness" / "Disk-Zero madness".

How to play

You are a lone space-disk in an unfriendly territory, survive for as long as you can!

  1. Absorb enemies of your color to gain points
  2. Avoid enemies of opposite colors (they will hurt you!)
  3. Switch your color strategically
  4. Use bombs to turn surrounding enemies into absorbable ones!

Controls [Keyboard]:

  • Move with directional arrows ⬅⬇⬆➡
  • Press X to change your disk's color in game
  • Press Z anytime to change the game's palette.

Controls [Mouse]:

  • Hold the right mouse button and the player's disk will follow the pointer.
  • Left click to change your disks's color in game
  • Middle click anytime to change the game's palette

Building the game

Build the cart by running:

cargo build --release

Then run it with:

w4 run target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/cart.wasm

For more info about setting up WASM-4, see the quickstart guide.

Links (WASM4 fantasy console)

  • Documentation: Learn more about WASM-4.
  • Snake Tutorial: Learn how to build a complete game with a step-by-step tutorial.
  • GitHub: Submit an issue or PR. Contributions are welcome!

A bullet hell where you absorb bullets to score.

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