

wasmer run dosisod/matcha9000


A puzzle game for programmers.


How To Play

You move your player around the board using op codes. Click on an op code in the bottom right, and it will be added to the queue on the left. Different op codes are unlocked at different levels:

Op CodeLevelDescription
STEP1Move one square forwards
SLEEP2Do nothing
ROT N3Make N clock-wise rotations
USE4Use a button
GOTO N5Goto line N
ADD N6Add N to the accumulator
DEC N7Subtract N from the accumulator
JIF N8Jump to line N if the accumulator is zero

Clicking on the argument (N) for an op code allows you to change its value.


Go to to the releases page to get the most recent build. They are available in standalone HTML and native Linux/Windows/MacOS binaries.

Alternatively, you can install from WAPM:

$ wapm install dosisod/matcha9000

A puzzle game for programmers
