Naming and Ownership Policy

This document is additive to the guidelines in the Wasmer Code of Conduct and Wasmer Open-Source terms. Nothing in this document should be interpreted to contradict any aspect of the Wasmer Code of Conduct or Open-Source Terms. Our Terms of Use, in particular our Acceptable Use and Acceptable Content rules, and our Code of Conduct supersede Naming and Ownership Policies. Wasmer reserves the right to terminate any user, package, or namespace that violates any of our policies. If you see bad behavior or content you believe is unacceptable, refer to the Code of Conduct for guidelines on reporting violations.

You are NOT expected to resolve abusive behavior on your own. We are here to help.

Wasmer's username, package, and namespace naming policies are general guidelines. We will continue refining, clarifying, and simplifying our guidelines over time. If your problem is not addressed by the scenarios outlined below, please send us an email for further review.


Usernames are unique and issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Wasmer will not transfer usernames due to copyright or trademark concerns.

Guidelines: Wasmer recommends that you select usernames that do not infringe on existing copyrights or trademarks.

Package and Namespace Names

Packages and namespaces have two different scopes within Wasmer that affect naming assignments. Packages names have a local scope and must be unique based on their username or namespace: <username>/<package-name> or <namespace>/<package-name>. On the other hand, Namespace names have global scope and are globally unique. Therefore, users are free to name packages as they see fit. However, namespace names are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. The initial creator of a namespace is automatically the administrator for namespaces.

Guideline: Wasmer does not place any restrictions on namespace names. However, creating namespace names with a trademark or copyright restrictions is not recommended. If you have an issue with a namespace name that is trademark or copyright protected, we recommend you speak with the namespace admin to resolve the issue. If there is no response, you can email us for further review.

Package and Namespace Ownership

Package ownership is scoped to the username or the namespace they belong to. Packages published to a particular username belong to that user name. Packages published directly to a namespace belong to the namespace. Collaborator permissions govern namespace package ownership or access rights. Namespaces do not have owners; they have admins. Admins can add additional admins or collaborators with Admin or Editor rights.

Using an automated tool to claim ownership of a large number of package names is not permitted. We reserve the right to block traffic or revoke ownership of any package we determine to have been claimed by an automated tool.

If and when packages become inactive, we recommend Wasmer members work with each other to arrange package transfers. It is possible to transfer packages between members or a namespace.

Guideline: Wasmer does not restrict package ownership or namespace governance. However, we recommend namespace names that do not violate any copyright or trademark laws. Wasmer users should work with each other to resolve ownership issues through transfers or collaboration requests.

Package and Namespace Removal

Publishers and package owners cannot remove or delete packages. Namespace admins can delete namespaces at any time. Wasmer reserves the right to remove any package without notice for any reason.

Guideline: Email us for further review if packages require removal due to exceptional circumstances such as vulnerability or code of conduct issues.


We do not have any policies to define 'squatting,' and so will not hand over ownership of a package for that reason.

Guideline: Do not squat on package or namespace names.

Copyrights and Trademark Infringements

If you think a Wasmer publisher is infringing on your copyrights or trademarks, email with a link to the package, namespace, or user account page. Attach a copy of your trademark registration certificate.

Guideline: The best approach for resolving copyright or trademark issues is to contact the member in question directly. If the member is uncooperative or unresponsive, allow Wasmer to respond to your inquiry within 4-weeks.


Copyright (C) Wasmer, Inc., All rights reserved.

This document may be reused under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.