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estratto - An Audio Feature Extraction Library

Build Status License

Estratto is a powerful and user-friendly Rust library designed for extracting rich audio features from digital audio signals. Whether you're analyzing music, speech, or any other type of audio data, Estratto provides an array of feature extraction techniques that help you uncover valuable insights and patterns.


  • MFCC (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) feature extraction
  • Pitch detection algorithms
  • (Add more features here... coming soon)

Getting Started

To use this library in your Rust project, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

estratto = "0.1.0"


Below is an example of how you can use the library to extract MFCC features from an audio signal:

use audio_feature_extraction::mfcc::extract_mfcc;

fn main() {
    // Load audio signal (replace this with actual audio loading code)
    let audio_signal = vec![/* audio samples */];

    // Extract MFCC features
    let mfcc_features = extract_mfcc(&audio_signal);

    // Process the extracted features as needed
    // (e.g., store, analyze, visualize, etc.)

Running Tests

cargo test

estratto is a powerful and user-friendly Rust library designed for extracting rich audio features from digital audio signals.